Bless You Cancer (19)

It has been some time since I have revisited this stream of posts. Today I reviewed several entries from my journal of 2005 covering the end of September into the beginning of October. This comes from 09.24.05, thirty-four days after finishing treatment for my head and neck cancer (note – I was still virtually completely unable to eat any solid food):

The Lord knew I would feel discouraged yesterday. He sent me multiple encouragements by email and visitor. Fred P’s (a fellow head and neck survivor from Philadelphia I encountered through my network of friends and fellow-believers) gave me perspective through his doctor of all sources. I’m about where I’m supposed to be. My kind of cancer has among the harshest treatments in terms of impact on the body. That doctor tells people to expect a full year to recover normalcy. That was both good news and bad news to me. Clearly I have to adjust my expectations at how quickly my mouth will heal (I was under the faulty impression improvement would begin immediately). It is just going to take time. The whole R family came by for the night. We had a lovely visit. They lifted my spirits. Jeannie S sent me a nice letter too. God comforts the depressed by sending a Titus or two (2 Cor. 7:6). Praise His name.

Do you know a downcast saint you could comfort by a note, email, or visit today or sometime soon? Don’t underestimate the significance to him or her of even the slightest encouragement on your part. God’s comfort may well come through you at just the most needful time.

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